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Samantha Wakefield
Mar 8, 20212 min read
The number 1 way to cultivate contentment in children
It was one of those moments when you feel like you are moving in slow motion and there is literally nothing you can do to alter what you...
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Samantha Wakefield
Dec 26, 20203 min read
Christmas 365 days a year
3 ways to engage you and your family in the Christmas spirit all year long I exhaled a deep breath, a sigh of relief really, during the...
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Samantha Wakefield
Dec 12, 20203 min read
Everything is Spiritual
3 ways to connect you and your family to what matters most "Mom, is Dr. Seuss still with us physically?" I looked up from the TV. It was...
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Samantha Wakefield
Nov 18, 20203 min read
A meditation with your Girl Tribe
Compassion circle meditation strength and love Oftentimes we feel alone when we are worn down and exhausted. Sometimes frustrations and...
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Samantha Wakefield
Sep 20, 20205 min read
Mindfulness to push through set backs
The wheels came completely off this week with regards to my healthy eating lifestyle. I basically fell right back into those old...
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Samantha Wakefield
Aug 28, 20203 min read
Naming emotions: a step in mindful parenting
We have a lot of emotions going on in this household. We have them coming from all directions and its not just the kids we have to...
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Samantha Wakefield
Aug 14, 20202 min read
Day Three: mini mindfulness retreat @Home
I just want to feel beautiful What makes you feel beautiful? Of course when I have a fresh face and "slay all day" hair I feel pretty and...
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Samantha Wakefield
Aug 12, 20203 min read
Day Two: mini mindfulness retreat @Home
I just want to feel wise! Does anyone else just want to feel they know what the heck they are doing. Is is me or does anyone else feel...
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Samantha Wakefield
Aug 11, 20203 min read
Day One: mini mindfulness retreat @Home
I just want to feel strong! A couple of months ago my husband and I went on a date to get couples massages. COVID had officially set in...
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Samantha Wakefield
Aug 10, 20202 min read
Intro to 3-Day mini Mindfulness retreat @Home
Mindfulness is a simple, useful tool to help tame the mind chatter and create space in your mind and subsequently your life. If you have...
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Samantha Wakefield
Jul 26, 20207 min read
Mindfulness to combat the trauma of racism
As a home visiting NP I make sure that I have on scrubs. We have the option of selecting a polo shirt with the company logo but I prefer...
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Samantha Wakefield
Jul 12, 20203 min read
Story time with school-aged kids, an exercise in mindfulness
One way to engage children in mindfulness is the act of reading aloud. Reading aloud and being read to takes a degree of engagement that...
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Samantha Wakefield
Jun 29, 20202 min read
Mindful Chocolate Meditation
Three minute chocolate meditation. A practice in mindful eating
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Samantha Wakefield
Jun 22, 20204 min read
3 steps for Vacation recovery
Nothing says mommy is absolutely done then coming in from a long weekend getaway, pulling into the garage, leaving the kids in the van...
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Samantha Wakefield
Jun 11, 20203 min read
Almost gave up on this day
Have you ever had one of those days when you started your day in a fog and a slump that seemed to come from absolutely no where. Nothing...
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